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Preferred library: Kimberley Public Library? Results 1 - 10 of 818 (page 1 of 82)
A memoir of Jane Austen by her nephew / J.E. Austen-Leigh ; introduction by Fay Weldon.
Jane Austen / by Douglas Bush.
Jane Austen and her world.
Our own particular Jane : [a piece of theatre based on the life, letters and literature of Jane Austen] / by Joan Mason Hurley.
Bits of ivory; narrative techniques in Jane Austen's fiction [by] Lloyd W. Brown. -
The novels of Jane Austen : an interpretation. --
Only a novel : the double life of Jane Austen.
Jane Austen. -
Jane Austen; irony as defense and discovery.
Jane Austen : the critical heritage; edited by B. C. Southam. --

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